Participating artists include Troy Abbot, Chris Bracey, Dominic Harris(Priveekollektie), Frank Hyder, Patrick Jacobs, Mark Khaisman, Claudia Meyer, Jason Myers, Meryl Pataky, Valentin Popov, Carol Prusa, Rubem Robierb, Erica Rosenfeld, Olivia Steele, Alex Trimino and Sam Tufnell.
Exhibit dates are from April 28 till August 28, 2016. Open Tuesday-Sunday, 10 am-4:30 pm; Sunday hours are 12-4:30 pm from May through September; admission is a suggested $5 donation.
Dominic Harris is an interactive artist whose chosen palette of materials is lighting, interaction design, and electronics. Dominic’s artworks exhibit an on-going fascination between the marriage of evocative and beautiful concepts with the inventive adaptation of cutting-edge technologies. His training as an architect explains the obsessive attention to detailing and fabrication of his works. Dominic designs and fabricates his artworks at Cinimod Studio, a multi-disciplinary practice he founded in 2007. This studio is comprised of 25 people with diverse backgrounds including architecture, product design, electronics, programming, graphic design, and workshop skills. Dominic uses the resources of Cinimod Studio for the on-going development, prototyping and production of his artworks. Dominic also oversees the studio’s international projects where his fascinations are translated into larger scale projects that span residential, retail, and public art projects.
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