
Our eyes register light and shadow to make sense of our surroundings. Placement as well as our sense of focus greatly influences what we see and how we see things. This series of prints creates an emphasis on a person’s position in space in relation to how surfaces reflect light and cast shadow. A person’s movement through space leads the viewer to bring the geometrical patterns alive by their own action.

The patterns themselves derive from a research into auto generated geometry produced by 3D-print technology. They are the outcome of an analysis regarding the basic aspects of how digital objects can be transformed into physical form by a 3D-printer. From a process of tweaking the parameters of a 3D-printer-user-interface, and the way it handles the printed plastic, different geometric patterns have been selected and printed.

The work arrives from a larger body of research that reflects on 3D-printing-aesthetics as something that emerges from within its own system. The pieces are the outcome of learning to understand this system and thus contextualise it to reflect on its aesthetic character. Because, even if this technology might appear alien to us, it is not difficult to recognise that it is made by us. This technology is inseparable from us, and it tells us something about who we are as a species.

Additional information
ARTIST Johan Buskov Romme
SERIES From Within
DIMENSIONS 31.5 x 31.5 x 5 cm | 12.4 x 12.4 x 2 in
EDITION Limited Edition 4 A.P.
MATERIALS PETG plastic, acrylic paint, wood
YEAR 2021